
Pilot Test the Transnational pillar of the INFUSSE Virtual Incubation Programme

The present document is implemented under PR8: Pilot Test the Transnational pillar of the INFUSSE Virtual Incubation Programme, in the context of the ERASMUS+ funded project, INFUSSE. The objective of PR8 is:

  • To virtually incubate further digital entrepreneurial ideas by bringing diverse teams with different backgrounds together.
  • To test, adapt, if needed, and validate the proposed approach and Training Programme from A to Z.
  • To recommend learning processes that will increase the effectiveness and participation of a virtual incubation approach.
  • To help coaches and participants gain experiences in a virtual environment.


The present public report is produced to present the way the consortium structured the INFUSSE TRANSNATIONAL VIRTUAL INCUBATION PROGRAMME and the outputs of its implementation. Therefore, the report describes in detail the event structure to enhance replication, and transferability for other digital learning programmes or similar thematic areas.

The present document consists of 8 core sections as described below: introduction, connection with previous and future PRs, an overview of this activity, a detailed description of the event structure, a list of the software and digital tools that may be used, all the supporting documents that will be needed to replicate the program, a short quality review, and pitfalls and learnings.

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